N.R.T. Series

Meet the men of N.R.T. (No Red Tape) they’re not your typical type of mercenaries. The men are all former SEALs who have made their headquarters in Killeen, Texas. They work strictly for the government and law enforcement on covert ops, only they’re not restricted like they used to be, hence the name for their unit no red tape. Each book in the series is released under the operative who falls in love character’s name.


What would you do if you found love and then it disappeared? For Viper, that is the life he's lived for the past thirteen years. He'd found love and watched her sail off, only to never come back.

As a SEAL, he'd expected the Navy to send a team in searching for her, but they didn't. After ten years, she'd been declared dead and he'd crawled into a bottle and left the SEALs. He'd formed No Red Tape, or N.R.T. to do the one thing for others he couldn't do for his Cynthia, avoid the governmental red tape.

Cynthia had met Damien before her ship set out on cruise. Everything was perfect between them, except they couldn't acknowledge their relationship. He was an officer, and she was enlisted. Then the worst happened to her. In a foreign country, she was kidnapped, and the only hope of ever seeing home again is Damien and his SEAL team. But they never come.

It's thirteen years later and a team of men are rescuing her. Can she trust they are American?

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